Initial thoughts of a volunteer

Initial thoughts of a first time CWB volunteer

Following our long and testing journey to and through Uganda we all slept well and rose to cloudy skies and a welcome breakfast. For our first day coaching the group split, with our two most qualified coaches delegated to train local Kabale teachers. Despite the heavy rain the coaches adapted with an indoor session and with a short outdoor session. Back in the field the teachers were joined by 50 children, excited to be playing with the adults.

Meanwhile the rest of CWB were embarking on their first session on a small saturated ground with 130 children. It was not long before everyone had soaking wet footwear and yet everyone threw themselves into the experience and thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with sessions batting, bowling, catching and throwing better known as busting the myths of HIV, which involved quizzing the group with questions of how HIV could or not be caught, and then attaching some myths to stumps for the children to knock down. They were so good that it was not long before the messages were not only knocked down but saturated and disintegrated . Further sessions would be adapted and the lack of signs easily overcome !

For the afternoon all CWB joined for lunch and then split into again into groups for one primary school and one secondary. The secondary boys school brought interesting challenges, not least the attitude of a few boys to girls and using condoms. However coaches took these children on and ensured they would at least know the truth about dangers to both themselves as well as their partners and how they should be aiming to be faithful to just one.

Returning to the hotel cold and wet but inspired and invigorated by our day, showers were the priority followed by warm clothes and seats by the roaring log fire, are we really near the Equator? Debrief preceeded dinner by some hours yet without exception and despite the tiredness there was a clear buzz and a sense of achievement.



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