Time keeping and the double sided Tilapia

We awoke to thunder, lightening and rain, hence the day began slowly…. For a 9am start the schools started arriving at 10.30! This was quite frustrating as we were all keen to crack on; however once the schools did arrive we got straight into our stride, coaching another 4 schools. CWB staff lead the first rotation and then supported the newly trained coached to lead on session delivery.

Post lunch, where we sampled the local samosas,  we headed back to Masaka SS for the afternoon session. Another successful session, another 4 schools coached and more practicing session delivery for our local coaches.

The team then worked with pupils from Masaka SS cricket team, coaching on specific cricket skills, training them in the art of spin bowling and batting skills. It was amazing to see the excellent standard the team were playing at, given their limited resources.

More happy children and more positive health messages delivered! Looking forward to the festival day tomorrow before we travel north.

This evening’s daily round up saw us prepare to say goodbye to Yousuf, a local cricket coach who has supported us throughout our stay in Masaka. He thanked the group for coming and spending time in Uganda… also he suggested that we slow down our speech when doing our intros to aid better understanding from the participants – good point well received by the team.

Ant has earned himself the title ‘Captain condom’ between us and is living up to this name. As we drove back to Masaka SS the children called out ‘condom’ when they saw him on the bus…. Clearly his impact is making a difference!

Not only has Captain Condom kept the children entertained… He has kept us all entertained with some priceless, innocent moments of hilarity. This evening when SJ’s dinner arrived… A local special, Tilapia (a fish – a big fish) Ant could not believe the size of it… And asked ‘is it double-sided?’ Hard to imagine a fish that isn’t doubled sided…. He will struggle to live this one down 😂



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