Day 3

Even the teachers said it was hot………. Or maybe it was all the twerking……..

uga1This blog is being written with the sound of crickets in the background and the opportunity to reflect on one of the most brilliant days I have experienced!

We arrived with the sound system cranking up, children arriving from all directions and the sun already beating down and all by 9.45am!

After laying out drills designed for a maximum of twenty, we divided up the approximately 240 children that had arrived, together with the teachers and health angels we worked with yesterday, between the four activities…….batting, bowling, catching and continuous cricket.

Energy summed up the day………the CWB coaches, the teacher coaches but most of all the young people who took part in cricket activities.

A number of the coaches had great fun trying to teach well known “British” national dances, otherwise known as the macarena. However, the Mexican Wave proved a challenge on two levels, 1 – explanation and 2 – the CWB coaches’ demonstration skills left a lot to be desired……leaving more of a Mexican mess in all honesty!! Work in progress……..this is in contrast to the proficiency gained in the art form of the “The Sprinkler” and the “Awooga”!

uga2Regional dancing and drumming provided great afternoon break entertainment, with the drummers dictating the dances demonstrated, inspiration for us to find our dancing shoes.

The most encouraging activity today was those who found out their HIV status – 71 people decided that this was crucial to their future well being! This is a fantastic number and one we hope to continue and build upon in the coming days.

Beth & SJ

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