Meet the team

It seems almost years ago that we put our names forward for a trip to Africa to teach children the joys of Cricket whilst also educating them about HIV/Aids. Well that time has nearly come. Here is a chance to get to know the team that will be heading out to Uganda on behalf of Cricket Without Boundaries in February/March 2014. 

Grant Neven – Project Leader

Grant Neven

Nickname: Stumpy or Stumps
Age: Old but not ancient
Bio: I live in Weymouth but am a Cornishman by birth and have played cricket (some would say tried to) since I could walk. I coach at my club, Portland Red Triangle and coach the District Under 14’s and 15’s Squads. I am at present working towards my E.C.B Level 3. I was inspired to become a CWB Volunteer simply by stumbling across the CWB Website by chance and reading about the outstanding work CWB has and will continue to do. I am returning as a Project leader having been truly inspired by my visit last year.

How have you fundraised for the trip? Fundraising has been fun with events as diverse as a T20 Match between parents of my clubs youth section and the kids, sponsored wearing long trousers for a week and a Cricket themed Quiz and Tea.
Favourite film: The Blues Brothers
Favourite food: Daft question – the humble Cornish Pasty of Course.

Lesley Woolf

Lesley compressed

Nickname: Used to be Lil but more often Woolfy (how original)
Age: Not disclosed
Bio: I live in Hove with my partner Sarah, my dog, two cats and random international lodgers and have been here nearly 20 years. I grew up in Dover, Kent and managed to become headgirl of the local grammar school. It all pretty much went down hill after that as I decided to travel and work abroad instead of continuing my studies, living and working in Israel for about a year and a half. I then trained as Mental Health nurse in 1986 and have been one ever since. I have always loved cricket, mainly watching… I am about to retire and begin my 'next career' as a foster carer and CricketWithoutBoundaries volunteer! I was inspired by the idea of combining a cricketing charity with a health concern. I have worked in HIV awareness promotion in the 80's and so this is something that I am connected to. I also have friends who are HIV positive, but their experience is so different from those people living in Africa. I am angered when unfairness and ignorance damage peoples' lives and want to do my bit to try and change this. Plus it looks like great fun!

How have you fundraised for the trip? I have raised funds by having the justgiving site ( but mainly through a charity disco and auction that I held in September. I had got people to knit woollen crickets and they were the main part of the auction. They made on their own a staggering £250! This was partly due to their cute factor, but mainly due to the copious amounts of alcohol I was selling. It was a brilliant night. I have since been selling knitted cricket calendars for 2014 which have been a great hit. (if any one wants one let me know) I think they are funny and all cricket related puns. I am due to 'splash and dash' in the sea on Christmas day but am hoping people have forgotten that….
Favourite film: Evita as I am a complete musical freak
Favourite food: Any Indian dish.

Simon Pettet

Si cropped x2

Nickname: Si, Pettet or Psycho Si (don't ask!)
Age: Not yet 30!
Bio: Born and bred in Leicester but currently living in Nottingham. Big sports fan, be it Football (a mightly Leicester City fan), Running, Cycling, Tennis or Cricket to name a few. Have played Cricket since I can remember but this will be my first real Cricket coaching experience. Was inspired to get involved with Cricket Without Boundaries due to being keen to spread enjoyment of the game I love whilst also tackling Africa's HIV/Aids epidemic.

How have you fundraised for the trip? Fundraising has so far involved running the Robin Hood Marathon (my first, which my toe still hasn't forgiven me for!) and the Men's Health Survival of the Fittest Challenge. I am also taking part in my first Triathlon in March 2014. It's still not too late to sponsor me.
Favourite film: The Hangover (any of the three!)
Favourite food: Sweet and sour Chicken balls (with or without the sauce!) and I also eat a lot of Cheese (not quite as much as Stumpy though!)

Mark Skelton

Mark S (Work)

Nickname: Skelly, Hoff
Age: 28
Bio: Grew up in the village of Charlton near Banbury (Ox) playing every sport I could get involved with but cricket soon became the favourite. Many hours of my youth were spent losing balls in the back garden and putting holes in the shed before the parents handed me over to the clubs to deal with. I have ended up at Horspath CC, probably the best village club out there…socially. Inspired to volunteer with CWB as cricket has had a huge impact on my life and it will be a great to use it to make a difference to those we see in Africa.
How have you fundraised for the trip? I am climbing Kilimanjaro on 7th Feb to raise money for CWB, so still time to sponsor me! Perhaps one of the knitty cricketers would like to join me Lesley!?
Favourite film: Avatar
Favourite food: Roast dinner – beef – gotta have Yorkshire pud.

Colin Brunt

Colin BruntAge: 65 (just picked up my first pension!)
Bio: Born in Bristol, married with two children and one Granddaughter. Reasonable education at local grammar school, started work as an apprentice Printer. Got itchy feet and spent most of working life in Sales and marketing. Currently have a Minibus and work freelance at Bristol airport in between cricket coaching Current cricket positions ECB CA regional coordinator and GBC Bristol District coordinator Responsible for supporting local clubs with Youth team coaching plans and organising fixtures for District teams. Still find time to play as Slow left arm spinners never retire they die first! Always interested to promote cricket and CWB provided the perfect opportunity to help with the HIV message at the same time. 

Favourite film: Attack on Entebe!
Favourite food: Anything Ollie doesn't like then I get the chance to eat it. 

Lois Cartledge

Lois compressedAge: 20
Bio: I am currently a second year undergraduate at Leeds Trinity University studying Primary PE and Sports Development. I am volunteering as part of my placement module. I have always wanted to travel and volunteer with those less fortunate so volunteering with Cricket Without Boundaries seemed like the perfect opportunity to combine all of these along with working towards my degree. I have no previous experience of playing cricket however I am eager to learn and am passionate about sport, particularly Rugby!

How have you fundraised? I have been fortunate enough to gain some sponsorships however the rest of my fundraising has come from bag packing in supermarkets with fellow volunteers and holding events at university such as quizzes and raffles.
Favourite film: Bit of a tricky one but being such a big kid I'll settle for anything Disney! Favourite food: Jelly!

Olly Ralph

Olly RalphNickname:Ralphie
Bio: I am 23 and a Cricket coach for Gloucestershire Cricket Board, working with county youngsters. Also a big Norwich fan living in Bristol, travelling the country most weekends to follow the boys in yellow!!

What inspired me to get involved?The chance to go abroard and coach children from a completely different background and make a difference in their lives as well as leaving a Cricketing legacy.
How have I fundraised?Me and my Dad visited all 18 county Cricket grounds in the space of just 48 hours and managed to raise £1200 in doing so!
Favourite film:Mamma Mia
Favourite food: Steak and chips.

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