Thursday. The team split into three groups at different schools. Team A went to Tim Tom where we met Emmanuel the tallest teacher we had met with legs up to his neck. I asked him why on the hottest day so far he turned up in long trousers, with that he promptly dropped them much watched by a very shocked Lois! Fortunately he had a rather fetching pair of blue shorts on underneath. He was without doubt the most enthusiastic coach we had seen, although when one boy had the wrong bowling stance he demonstrated and told him to stand 'like a commando'. Not the words we would use but when in Uganda!
In the afternoon we travelled to Ireda School where we met another amazing coach Irene with a passion and commitment that can only benefit her children and ensures all our work is worthwhile. These children have hard lives, most live without running water and power, walk sometimes miles to school not all wearing shoes, but every time we see them they just smile. They listen and only have to be told once and we see their skills in action, amazing children and even on the hot and long days they lift us as much as we teach them. To watch teachers using our drills incorporating the ABC is without doubt a rewarding time for all.