So a standard Ugandan morning, sun shining so plenty of suncream required again today! After a quick breakfast (where Simon avoided the pink sausages for once!) we made the short trip in Joseph’s bus into Arua.
Upon arrival we realised we’d missed the water stop so quickly popped into town before returning. We were expecting 25 teachers (20 of which had attended last time CWB visited Arua) but not all were present so we delayed the start by 30 mins waiting for the others to arrive.
By 10-30am 18 were now present, including one baby (slightly awkward coaching with baby on your back!) so we got started with our coach education session. The teachers were enthusiastic and the majority knew their stuff. Good to see that they retained some of the stuff CWB taught them last time they were here.
With a group of 18 coaches, four of the team took the opportunity to visit an Orphanage, trying to setup a visit for the team the following day. The Orphanage wasn’t a traditional Orphanage however. Due to a lack of funding, the Orphanage accepted kids who’s parents sent them their for their education, the money from this keeping the Orphanage running! Following a meeting with the Dontilla (appeared to be head of the Orphanage!), The Bishop and Head-Teacher we were asked to come back the following day.
Following the Orphanage visit the team returned to the Coach Education session where the session finished with a game amongst the teachers before the team headed into Arua for a bite to eat.
Finding a bite to eat in Arua proved more difficult than in Gulu. We did find a supermarket, sadly lacking food of any sustenance so biscuits, crisps and plain bread was the order of the day.
The team tucked into this and took plenty of water on board before heading to another primary school in the afternoon. We weren’t sure how many kids to expect so were pleasantly surprised when some 200 kids turned up. The team split off into four stations, all the kids having a go at batting, bowling, fielding and catching. A language barrier proved difficult for the first time, however with some helpful input from the teachers this was negated. Lizzie led the group in her popular “ABC no HIV” song before we managed to sit them all down, plus some onlookers for a final ABC message from Grant, Lesley and Olly.
The team retreated back to the hotel where Lesley and Simon tried out the swimming pool (somewhat cleaner than in the morning but still not particularly clean) before dinner around 8. Dinner was served before the team headed for the pool bar for a few games of pool until last orders at 11 before retreating for some much needed sleep.