Day 5 ‘On Safari,

Day 5 began with ‘organised chaos’, moving into organised fun, and finished with organised rest time for the ever- dwindling CWB Uganda team.
Today was Festival Day and was played in blistering heat (we’re used to that now) but added to this was a mean south westerly which kicked up Police Primary playing field into an orange dust bowl!
All good plans were abandoned when 8 teams turned up instead of anticipated 4, and about 1500 Police Primary school children invaded the pitch at play time.
Grace and Ollie went to Plan B, then Plan C, Plan D, Plan E………
Teams from Gulu Primary, Negri and Police all finally competed in hard fought competitive games, with Negri scoring the highest ( despite playing in an American Baseball kit)!
At this point we said good bye to Lee who we waved off through an orange dust bowl back to his true love, Rwanda.
The team, tired but happy, got into the bus for the anticipated ride to Aura, with Joseph putting in a Stirling performance by getting us there in 4 and a half hours, plus adding in a quick safari on route.
We saw buffalo, antelope, hippos and elephants (apparently African elephants not Indian according to our very own Richard ‘Lizzie’ Attenborough)
“you can tell them by the ears” she said, not by the fact that we’re in the middle of Africa.
We are now at the delightful White Castle Hotel where we are camped up for 5 nights.
Reflecting on the day; it was Africa at its best, CWB at its best, and cricket at its best! Lets just hope our pool improves…….

One comment to “Day 5 ‘On Safari,”
  1. Hi Team Uganda

    It sounds like you are having the most amazing time and continuing to inspire the next generation of cricketers in the North whilst also educating 1000s about the importance of the ABC messages. Keep up the good work and enjoy your day off today!

    Look forward to seeing the next instalment!


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