We are beginning to understand Uganda time – it doesn’t exist!
The group are getting to know each other and work as a team aided by large amounts of beer, wine and Bond 7 in the evenings. The weather has been kind too though a little overcast in the mornings getting hotter as the day goes on.
Plenty of factor 30 apart from Lizzie and Leslie who glow in the dark. Simon is the fussy eater with an aversion to pink sausage.
The Uganda youngsters are amazing. Throwing, catching and fielding absolute naturals. They also have a tough competitive streak and like to win at St. Joseph we did a bowling drill with a hard ball and at time the ball would go crashing into their shins with no hint of anguish whilst the coach (senior pro) took one on the ankle and was writhing in pain much to the pleasure of the class.
Day 4
Ollie is just waking from the foetal position and the sun is shining, another well planned day ahead.
Quote of the week:
“If you hit a cricket ball anywhere in Africa there is always someone to field it” Booth, L. 2014.
Wow sounds like such fun ! The young people must just love it when you all arrive. Keep up the good work and tell Lizzie to get her factor 30 on!