Gulu Day 2 – Calm before the storm

So our second full day in Uganda, but more importantly our first chance to get to work on what we came here to achieve.

We started off with brekky at the hotel, including some suspicious looking (but good tasting) local sausages before setting off for our first school at 9-30. Upon arrival at the school after a water stop (vital in this heat) we found a deserted playing field. This soon changed however when one large class of at least 60 kids (English class sizes eat your heart out!!) emerged onto the field for their p.e lesson. Lizzie, Tracey and Lee quickly joined in, with the Frog jumps taking its toll on Lee’s knees whilst the rest of the team took in their surroundings. This was most definately the calm before the storm!!

Shortly afterwards pandemonium broke out. The kids 20 morning break began and cue the arrival of what seemed like thousands of kids onto the playing field. The team whilst not running an official session had 20 mins to try to entertain and educate them and split off into several groups doing various different activities. Tasks ranged from catching, batting, dancing and simply just belting a ball in the air for someone to catch. Their enthusiasm was unrecognisable from anything seen back home. Simply the sight of tennis balls was enough for some, let alone having the opportunity to touch/catch/hit it. I would say the 20 minutes flew by but by the end of it some of the team were looking like they’d been out there all day! A proper introduction for the seven CWB debutants on the trip.

Coach education followed and whilst we were expecting 20 teachers only 15 turned up (3 some 20 mins late) and instead of having 3 hours we only had 45 mins. Nowhere near as much time as intended but still enough time to get the teachers thinking about things. That said we played a game, run by the local teachers (albeit it with some assistance) as an example of a game they could play with the kids.

Coach ed finished and the team split into two for the two schools they were working with at midday.

After a quick introduction from the head teacher at Gulu Public school the group lead by Olly after a CWB and ABC introduction from Tracey launched into their skills with a group of around 80. Good fun was had and you could see there was some natural ability there, a fact backed up by the two Cricket trophies to be found on the head-teachers desk! A request from the teacher for a dance from the CWB team whilst the kids sang an ABC song completed the session.

A quick trip to the supermarket for lunch for some pizza/sausage roll/chaps and onto the next schools where like before lunch the team split into two to cover the two schools.

The team led by Olly were dropped off and made their way to the playing field. The kids still on their lunch break followed like sheep and the group began to panic they might have a group of around 300. Thankfully the p.e teacher turned up and dispersed the crowd back to their lessons whilst a group of around 40 remained. The team had them trying several skills around 3 stations, Mike’s experience told as he placed his station in the shade.

An hour flew by with the kids having loads of fun and key messages being delivered before the kids departed for the day and the team retreated to the hotel.

A quick freshen up and the team re-convened before heading into the town for a curry and a few beers. A good nights sleep ahead of the first full days coaching tomorrow.

One comment to “Gulu Day 2 – Calm before the storm”
  1. Hi Team Uganda! Great start even though your journey was a bit epic. Note to self when I come to Uganda in the Autumn – pack a big jiffy bag to plonk one's a**e on for the bus.  Shame about the short time for the coach ed but sounds like you made the best of it. Loving the level of detail of the food pruchases xx

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