By Andrew Bullard
For the second or third night in a row we had had the pleasure of being kept awake by all night gathering behind our hotel. Initially, thinking it was pretty bold to be throwing all night parties on a Sunday and Monday night, I think the whole group was sobered by the discovery that in fact these gatherings are to mourn the recent death of a child. So although a bit sleep deprived, we rallied and moved out to organise the festival after breakfast. African time kicks in with the first teams arriving at 10.45 for a 10am start. Boma school arrived first with three teams followed shortly after by Nyamitibora with one team. The festival was under way… Two matches started with the coaching team fully involved. Then the Mbarara Army school arrived with three team about 11.30 and then Ntar school arrived with a team.
It was good to see most of the teachers we had trained up come down with their pupils to the festival. All the kids seemed to enjoy the cricket and the singing with wrist bands, t- shirts handed out and photos taken the teams headed back to their schools. The Army school borrowed our bus to transport the kids back then the coaches headed back for a late lunch.

The first leg of the journey is complete now stage 2 as we hit the road on Uganda Independence day.
Mark says:
Oct 9, 2013
Just checking in gearing up for our trip. Great work – amazing blogging. Andrew isn't it great to have talented team. Bit worried about the project leader insights but I'm relying on my guys to do the business in Botswana. Seems to be on with CWB things just somehow come together – even if you can't explain how.
grant nevwn says:
Oct 9, 2013
Excellent work guys .
James Savory says:
Oct 9, 2013
Good to hear Joseph is still king of the pool table, please say hello to him from James and Michelle. Sounds like you are all having fun and doing a great job out there, enjoy every minute and keep up the good work!