By Veronique
After a night of garlic vapour emission for some of us, we started our long journey to Kampala at 8am. Unlike Richard’s ‘flying coach’, we departed on time but Joseph is adamant his bus is not equipped to do the journey in 2 ½ hours but most realistically in 4 ½ – 5 hours.
I can’t believe it is already the end of our trip. The two weeks have gone so quickly. I have completely fallen in love with Uganda, the country and its people and I shall be back. On our long bus journeys, I have tried to absorb and store in my memory the scenery, the colours, the smells… all that makes Uganda so special.
Uganda has been full of surprises – I didn’t expect to see pine ‘forest’ and rice plantations. The scenery has been varied from Tororo to Jinja, Kampala and Masindi, making our long hours on the road more enjoyable. But wherever we have been the people have been extremely friendly and welcoming. I think we’ve all had a great time and a big thank you goes to Mike for this. He has led a very successful trip, with no major hiccups which can so often happen when arranging things from the UK. The team bonded very well and everybody pulled their weight without exception. So no eviction at the Big Brother Uganda House!!!
And the awards go to:
Best comment from a child (to James): “How did you get so fat, you look like a Jack fruit”.
Best fish: at the Rock View Hotel (only the first day)
Best bed: at the Rock View Hotel (Alan’s room) round bed with square sheets
Best suggestion for corporal punishment: “If you do this again, I will take you to the head master, he’ll tie you to a tree and hit you with a stick until your head burst”
Best lion spotter: No. 1 Joseph (nearly ran over it and then got out of the bus to check it was still alive), No. 2 Hannah
Best sign writing: “Descent Accommodation”
Best complaint: “I am not paying for 22 Waragis” (Michelle questioning our bar bill in Masindi)
Best party trick: James encompassing a pint glass (with his mouth)
Best attempt to save Uganda’s economy: Alan queried the bill thinking it was too little, it came back further reduced
Best video interview: James doing video blog while the rest of the team mooned and flashed (Graham in tears and in serious need of a tripod, take 42)
Best international snack: Europe type cakes in inflatable bags
Best shorts: Michelle’s pink ones
Best view: Paraa Lodge – the close up view of the crocodile opening its mouth
Best shower: Masindi Hotel, hot water at last!
Best menu description: Beef burger made with the aroma of the Chef’s desk
Best shop name: “God is able hardware”, “The divine hand cosmetic salon”, “Trust in Jesus Electrician”, “Mama’s love furnishers store”, “Brilliant high school”, “Jesus care properties brokers”
Best school motto: “We struggle for excellence”!!
Best PE kit: St Edwards Primary School in Masindi (colourful ra-ra skirts)
Best napkin folding: No. 1 Veronique’s ironed shirt, No. 2 Graham’s snot rag
Best welcome: Masindi Family Spirit orphanage – children hanging of our arms and singing lots of welcoming songs to us OR Joseph to James “Hello James you’re the same size as me!”
Worst behaved children: the children on the boat scaring off the wildlife and throwing litter into the Nile.
Worst toilet: No.1 a corner in a courtyard overlooked by two men where we were asked to urinate because the actual toilet was too dirty. No. 2 the toilet at the discotheque with a big hole in the floor and a generator creating 150C.
Worst road: the main road in Tororo, a.k.a pot hole alley
Worst noise to be woken up with: Joseph’s bus reversing with accompanying beeping
Worst dish: Chicken curry “Can you tell me what meat is in the chicken curry? Sorry I don’t know”
Worst massala chips: James’ chips tossed with tomato ketchup
Worst excuse for a hangover: Yusuf’s alleged malaria