Hi, Richard here, tutor for the project. Who are the others?
Michael, project leader. Having previously been with Michael on CWB projects, we operate as a well oiled machine. If it works it’s down to me, if it doesn’t it’s down to him to place the blame, usually Veronika.
Veronika, Mike’s wife, acceptor of all blame. Again a veteran of CWB projects, our nominated water and malaria tablet monitor. You are bullied into taking on vast quantities of water and tablets. I also use Veronika as the sunshine monitor. She’s the first to start working and reports on how hot it is for the rest of us in the shade.
Veronique is our red wine monitor. Not saying there’s a problem but was seen taking out a bottle to the field in place of her water bottle. Seen today with two bottles!! Using her calm and serene personality she insists on visiting the kitchen at the hotel in the evening to gently persuade the staff to pull their finger out or else. Excellent coach, great rapport with the kids.
Michelle, fianceé of James, was in some trepidation of what was to come. A natural with children, she is now our crowd dispersal monitor. She runs and a couple of hundred kids follow, which allows the rest of us some peace and quiet. Her coaching is developing with bowling on the agenda for today. Quote for the day “Yusuf is a better coach than James”
Hannah, the charity executive is undergoing her first trip to see what happens on the ground. She has thrown herself into the coaching, batting, bowling and fielding. Except for a psychotic 4am scream in her room which woke up most of the hotel residents and scared the living daylights out of Veronique, she is enjoying the experience. Yes Hubby and kids, she’s missing you as well!!
Alan, our project kitty monitor. Would someone please recommend him to the Greek government as our reserves now exceed the Greek debt. Sooner or later I’m sure he’ll let us spend some. Alan bullies the local coaches/teachers into working with the kids. He is the only one who changes for lunch!!
Graham, our diplomatic ambassador has blotted his copybook by refusing to give the street kids CWB wrist bands. He made them sing him their national anthem and still refused. They called him a nasty man. He has experienced the hotel’s full vegetarian menu which has resulted in the same meal three days running.
James, Michelle’s other half. Changing Cumbria for Uganda has resulted in coaching numbers in excess of the population of Cumbria. Accusations of cheating in the game today between his team and Michelle’s will result in an inquiry tonight.
Yusuf, our UCA representative with us on the project. We have worked with him in Jinja for the last two years and are delighted to have him with us as he can interpret with some of the local kids. He is so polite he never mentions my snoring at night.
The morning was spent coaching the 5 remaining primary schools. The teachers took more and more control of the actual coaching so that we could take a back seat and mentor them. School cricket in Tororo is in good hands. Olive, our co-ordinator here, had arranged for 20 girls and 20 boys from the two closest schools to be at the ground for a tournament starting at 2pm. Ogutischool were a little late, but the participants from our host school turned up short of numbers and 40 minutes late. Never the less, a successful tournament went ahead and Mike’s team – the Lions team from Rock View Primary – were overall winners and received Tee shirts for their efforts. Mike would like it to be known (as he has history), that there were independent scorers.
Richard Davies
Tri dny koucovani v Tororo jsou za nami.Dohromady jsme ucili asi trista deti a dvacet ucitelu. Zitra se chystame do mesta zvaneho Jinja, ktere lezi naViktoriinu jezeru, na Nilu. Dnes oslavime prvni mesto tim, ze Veronique a ja vypijeme lahev cerveneho a ostatni jsou verni africkemu pivu. Prochazka ve meste (Ja, Veronique, Graham a Mike) a po trhu. Potom Mike sedl na motorkove taxi a odfrcel. My tri ostatni jsme se prosli tech 5 horkych kilometru zpatky do hotelu. Ahoj a poslete nam nejake zpravy v okynku pod fotkami! Verca