Abi: So we’re getting into the swing of things, I think we coached at least 400 kids today! As you’re both new CWB volunteers, how have you found the experience? (Charlie and Sarah Wilkinson)
Sarah: Exhilarating & exhausting in equal measures! I’ve been totally bowled over (no pun intended) by the number of kids, and their enthusiasm! Somehow, despite the energy required, I think I’m in my element when i’m surrounded by kids.
Charlie: We have prepared for this trip, but nothing can completely prepare you for the reality. At the start, when we were mobbed on arrival, the experience felt overwhelming, but we somehow managed to turn chaos into order, in the 30 degree heat of the day. I will say that the kids smiles, laughter, and excitement, make all the challenges feel manageable.
Abi : Speaking of challenges, what has been your biggest challenge?
Sarah: Probably having to think on my feet to adjust to the situation in hand. When we’re setting up a drill, we have to be ready to adapt from the gameplan to the reality of what is in front of us without warning. We’ve seen groups double in size in front of our eyes, and some kids need different levels of energy to look after them.
Charlie: I didn’t realise it was possible to be so bad at lining up cones! Cone management aside, it’s been challenging to maintain our energy levels through a long hot day (we’re typically coaching for at least 5 hours a day). There is a temptation to give too much energy too early to too many kids, but to make sure they all have a good experience, we have to be careful to maintain our energy levels throughout the day.
Sarah in coaching action
Abi: What has been your biggest success so far?
Sarah: I am a complete non-cricket player, I have only ever watched my husband Charlie and my son play. The one cricket skill I feel like I understand is catching, and having run a catching station all day, I feel the most confident there in what I’m doing. But my greatest success has been in creating a connection with the kids, having fun interactions, and making sure they enjoy themselves, and that’s what I’m most proud of.
Charlie: I am proud of the way we’ve all managed to cope as a team. In the face of literally hundreds of kids sprinting at you, we have worked together, dived in and got on with the job. It’s been great to see everyone step up and do whatever is needed to entertain, amuse and inspire these children.

Doing a great job guys. ❤️❤️
“I didn’t realise it was possible to be so bad at lining up cones!” Best quote Charlie
Such a cool thing you are doing. Glad Abi is upping his skills quota.