Days 2 & 3- coachinG With Jonathan

Abi: Can you tell me what’s stood out for you from the first two coaching days of our CWB trip? 

Jonathan (veteran of several CWB trips in Nepal and Uganda): 

This morning, we were at an all-girls Catholic school, and I was leading a batting session. One girl in particular kept hitting the ball up in the air. We took some time to focus on it, and then she managed to work out how to hit it along the ground. It may sound like a tiny difference, but it changed her day, and knowing that I can make even a small difference is the most rewarding part of being on this trip.

Abi: How has the coaching gone so far? 

Jonathan: What I love about CWB, is that even with forward planning, and all the equipment, at the end of the day it’s all about adaptability, because you never know what’s around the corner. A session planned for 80 kids can easily turn into double those numbers.

The CWB team coaching over 200 kids this morning!

In principle, it’s about having fun, making sure people are safe, and making sure everyone has a go. I’ve been sticking to these principles by taking a minute to explain what’s about to happen before we dive into the cricket activities, and by giving everyone lots of chances to have a go.

Abi: What reflections do you have on the Rwanda team’s dynamic away from the cricket?

Jonathan: Everyone has been delightful! From Day 1 the group has worked as a team, nobody has fallen over, and amazingly nobody has said “No”; everyone has wanted to have a go. So there’s been great camaraderie and we’re working really well together. 

Team Camaraderie (thanks Yolanda for taking the photo!)

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