Day 6: Together again and stuff

Let’s work back through today, as we sit here eating, chatting, sharing photos and catching up. We’ve not been together all day – and even now some of us are missing.

Our ambassadors were awesome today. We were a bit late arriving first thing, and Soso was left having to play virtual cricket with a hundred children, which offered some perspective as to whether we would thrive today with three of our number laid low with bugs.

So that’s an end and a beginning: in the middle there was stuff!

The headlines would include stuff about 600 children encountering cricket, or about three schools visited, or about two children and a baby who we took home after being flagged down by the police on the way back this evening!

And there was other stuff too. Acquiring a shop’s entire supply of samosas and a shelf of juice. Encountering a cluster of bats chilling in the midday sun. An eagle perched on the hotel balcony. A raucous singalong on the bus as we lurched along a ‘short cut’. A beer by a lake looking over to Burundi on the other side. And goats.

And more stuff. Children embracing new skills. Coaches embossed with stickers. Onlookers looking on bemused.

And goats.

An evening by the lake

James May – occasional cricketer, proud parent, forgetful husband, and doting dog guardian.

rwanda2023 Written by:

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