Friday 11th October and it’s our last day in Rwanda in 2019.
We head off the GS Musave, probably the largest school in Kigali. With hundreds of primary school children; the same again at a secondary level. We make the schoolboy error of trying to start our session just as morning break starts! Absolute chaos.

When we eventually got going we struggled. The heat, a rain storm, a distinct lack of verbal understanding (ie no English), and the tiredness of a team who have given everything for 15 days, but we succeed, just before the rains really hit!
A second extended lunch in a row as the rain fell for almost two hours. We ate buffet, we napped, we mulled about and played pool. The rain relented and we made our way the couple of miles to Les Enfants de Dieu, a boys street child rehabilitation school, and what a joy it was.

Following a tour of the grounds from Charles, the Project Manager, a large green iron door was opened to reveal a flat football pitch playing area and here Tall Eric led a couple of games of Rapid Fire. Hyper competitive yet smiles everywhere this is exactly what cricket development is all about. Fun, learning and doing. A perfect ‘last’ school of our trip.
To round off the project, as has become customary, we then drove the short distance to Ndera, to play a friendly game against Eric’s teenagers in receding light. I’m happy to report that a victory, by 5 runs, meant that the teams game record over the trip reads as: Played 3: Won 2: Lost 1.
A final meal together, a sensational curry, and all were back to the hotel via Moto Taxi before midnight for the 3:45am alarm call and the long flight home.

What a project we’ve experienced. Days as related through this blog can’t happen without our volunteers and I’d like to say a massive thank you to Ali, Danny, Ed, Ella, Jack, Joe, Sam, Simon and Tracey for their energy, laughter, enthusiasm and application in making it a truly memorable project.
As a team we would like to thank our Ambassadors, Eric, Joseph and Emmy for their guidance, protection, advice and sense of fun. With one or more Ambassadors with us every day the access to schools and experiences they create are both unmatched.
Finally a measure thanks to everyone else in Rwanda who helps us achieve what we achieve. Eddy, our ever reliable bus driver. Mary, our ex-Ambassador. RCA Development Officers Landry, Adelin and Veronique. Freddy, for his fantastic coaching help in Musanze, and RCA organiser Joshua for developing and delivery of the schedule.
And of course the children of Rwanda. Without the children a CWB Project just doesn’t happen.
Thank you Rwanda
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