Our final day in Muhanga and the colours of the morning sunrise suggest that today is going to be a hot one.
And so it proves. We begin at EP Rubugurizo. A long, bumpy and inevitably undulating bus ride takes us to a newly built school block atop a hill (where else?). With little or no obvious area to set up we’re directed down a steep, dry mud bank through a myriad of trees to an almost flat field 100 metres or so below. By 9am Danny is chanting ABCT with 150+ primary school children and the session is underway. Assisted by Joseph, Veronique and our old friend Jackson the stations run smoothly.

90 minutes later and the heat has risen. Skills stations have rotated and rapid fire games have inspired squeals of competition, fun and victory. Another 150 plus secondary children follow. Primary, secondary, CWB, repeat!

Returning to Muhanga town for lunch the team fills up on sambusa’s (samosas), cold paprika baked potato, crisps and juice and we go again. This time to GS Munyinya, the winners in yesterday’s festival. A short bumpy ride off the main road and I recognise the school from a previous project and following a trophy brandishing ceremonial meeting with the Principal in which nothing was said directly to me we began again.

200 primary school children! 100-odd nursery children, beating sunshine and no shade. The team worked miracles in the space afforded to them. ABCTs ringing around the school. Monitoring and Evaluation questionnaires attempted and completed with some secondary children milling about. When the first session ends the real challenge begins. The secondary level students are another level.

Despite their victorious day yesterday they show no mercy. Balls are mysteriously disappearing, equipment is re-located and a general air of indiscipline reigns, so much so that even the sports teacher has lost control. The session is brought to an early finish, by 30 minutes, the team at the end of their tether of patience, given the day so far in oppressive heat and full sunshine.
The bus already has our suitcases loaded and we drive the 90 minutes to Kigali, the heat following us as we go. We bid farewell to Veronique and check in to the Solace Guest House. Our final destination, Kigali will offer the team some fresh challenges and opportunities to enjoy this wonderful country. It will be noisier, brighter and more than likely hotter than we’ve experienced so far.
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