It’s the first day coaching in Rwanda and seven out of the eight of us are already sun burnt but the adrenaline and excitement masked the pain of an amazing day of coaching.
Our first day adventure started at a school joining in with a coach education session which involved helping to teach and educate the Rwandan teacher’s who’s schools we will be volunteering at, on how to teach the different cricket coaching points. In addition, this coaching also included educating them on how to intertwine the HIV messages within the lessons.
This session brought us up to midday which meant lunch time before heading to a secondary school to coach 130 children different cricket skills. We began by using relays as a warm up to get all the children excited and ready to learn.
After, with the help of Lee, we set up four games that each taught a different skill: bowling, batting, catching and the last station being a fun game for all the children to get involved with, a game called Rapid Fire which we will be playing a lot over the next two weeks.
It was a very new experience for everyone and we all threw ourselves right into the sessions joking and laughing with all the children. There were many collective highlights of the day mainly seeing how happy and excited the children were when we gave out footballs and rugby balls and how much these little things meant to these children.
It was a great day for us to ease our way into what will become the norm for us here very soon.
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