A review of the day from Gary Shankland (birthday boy)…

Today again saw the team split into two, with myself, Rich and Big Eric heading off to Nyanza for Coach Education and the rest of the team heading off to Excella school to provide a follow up session with the assistance of the newly trained teachers. Unfortunately, the weather scuppered our plans and both groups had to curtail their sessions due to a monumental rain storm. Rich and I attempted to sit out the storm, but when the cones started floating past the van, we reluctantly accepted defeat. We had fortunately managed to provide demos on most of the key skills to the local teachers as well as explaining why it is vital they deliver CWB's vital HIV/AIDS awareness message to their classes, so the 5 hour round trip was not wasted.

The team were reunited at 3pm for a further visit to the Rwandan Orphans Project, which has rapidly become the favourite destination for all the team. A great hour was spent catching up with with the kids, Sean and Alex. Some fantastic bowling and batting was displayed by many of the kids with George in particular suffering a very expensive spell of bowling. It really is an inspiring place and it was with heavy hearts that we departed the ROP for the last time on this trip.


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As today is my birthday, the team kindly surprised me with a bottle of Waragi gin (which was immediately put to good use) and we headed off for a meal at Heaven. A further surprise was to follow as the team were taken to the stage to perform some traditional African dancing for the assembled diners.


Tomorrow is festival day and our final long journey down south. I am both looking forward to it and sad that the festival will be the final coaching we carry out. In honour of the departed Lee and to mark our final day, the team tomorrow will all sport 'powerful looks' to ensure that the festival does not turn out 'a bit rascal' which I am sure you will agree is 'to their credit'.

Culture Dancing at Heaven… << (Gives an idea of the entertainment we joined in with)

As it is recruitment time for the next CWB trips, can I just say to anyone considering volunteering that this trip has been so worthwhile and an experience that I would recommend to anybody – get those applications in…