Today saw the group split for the first time as half the group (Martin, Paulette, Richie and Jamie) went off to see the Gorillas. As expected, they had a wonderful time – getting close and personal with the gorillas (a bit too close sometimes) and enjoyed a once in a life experience!

The rest of the group visited the Camp Kigali School – a new, huge school with 2,000 pupils. We had two classes each for an hour whilst it seemed the rest of school wanted to get involved! After clearing an errant herd of cows and the other students off the ground, we set about doing our carousels and getting the ABC messages across. There was then an interval when the classes swapped over, where Dave and Lee entertained the infant schools with the crab, the spanish crab and the darts theme tune! The second group came and went and we got our Abstain, Be Faithful and Condom messages out there with typical enthusiasm.

After a home made lunch, we set off to familiar territory at Nyagunga. There was the usual mix of people knocking around but this time we shared the field with a full footbal game,a group of runners, a herd of goats, a two tonne truck and a couple of motobike taxis. Unpeturbed, we carried on, working with some familiar places on fielding, bowling and a full game, finishing on a deafening A-B-C-Cricket. Great fun as usual.

Unfortuately today saw the departure of our tutor coach, Martin who has had to return home due to health problems. He made a huge impact in his shortened time here – and we thank him for all his efforts…get well soon Martin!

The group finished with a quiet evening, recharging the batteries and getting ready for some more coaching tomorrow and also the arrival of week 2 project leader Rich Thurston.