Today saw the team take a trip into the unknown as we visited one of the poorer areas of Kigali. It was something of a shock to leave the neat, tarmac roads and descend up into the shanty towns and dirt tracks which surround the Rwandan capital city.
On arrival at Kabusunzu Primary School we had our first experience of Beatle-mania Rwandan style as our mini bus was surrounded by hundreds of excited, smiling faces eager to shake our hands or high five.
To be honest it was a little terrifying as we had been used to disciplined lines of polite children being led out to the playground by their attentive teacher. This was clearly going to be a different.
We were told that we would be teaching over 300 kids in two sessions and after an enthusiastic if slightly awry warm up session, we managed to give all of them a chance to bat, bowl and catch the ball before we were literally mobbed on our return to the bus two hours later.
If one of CWB’s aims is to give these kids a first taste of cricket, then we delivered with the team also being careful to give them our usual messages about the dangers of HIV and AIDS.
After a great morning we made the trip to Kagarama Secondary School and when we arrived it was great to see a number of pupils waiting for us with bats, balls and even thigh pads!
Kagarama was obviously a school that has taken to cricket and led by the impressive figures of Tito and Francis we were able to split the group into two and carry out some more intensive and high level coaching for the senior players.
We were even able to play two 10 over games of pretty high standard, the highlights of which were probably John getting hit in the ‘unmentionables’ (copyright Ravi Shastri) and Jamie scoring his first run in Africa after numerous attempts.
Another ace day and after Richie’s beloved Liverpool won last night, Jamie is hoping for something similar from Chelsea – see you all tomorrow….
D Terrace says:
Mar 14, 2012
Wow, looks like a great school first up…imagine the reaction if I was there! Yikes!
Just to let you know that nz v sa next test has started, so you will be able to watch day 1 for the rest of the trip.
Hope coach ed and ROP goes well tomorrow…maybe get a video of Shaun talking about issues in Rwanda? Just an idea.
Make the most of it team!
Mike says:
Mar 15, 2012
With you all doing such a fantastic job out there it’s no surprise that the Gods above are shining down on your soccer teams , even and it hurts me to say this, Chelsea. Enjoy the last days and Mutzigs.
Mike says:
Mar 15, 2012
Would love to know if Rich has done his famous bowling demo yet? You know, the one with the unique follow through flat on his face! Written with a huge smile!