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Rwanda 2010

Day 15 – 15th October – Kagarame – Nyagunga

Our last full day of coaching consisted of running mini tournaments at Greenhills Academy and at Nyagunga. It is amazing how both of these schools have progressed in the two weeks we have been here, neither played any cricket before and now the hope is that they will both have a boys and a girls team in the next school tournament. A lot of credit must also go to the teachers Scott and Hermione at Greenhills and Jimmy at Nyagunga as they have all worked very hard on picking up the rules of the game and were busy today scoring the various matches.

We also handed out over 150 t-shirts at the 2 schools as well as donating all the kwik-cricket kit that we have been using for coaching to the RCA to be distributed around all the places that we have been. A big thank you must also go to the headmaster at Greenhills who very kindly offered to pay for a meal for all of the CWB team as a reward for all the hours spent at his school.

I think real progress has been made on this trip and several new contacts have been created for future CWB trips to pick up on, I personally would love to return as would others in the group. It has been an amazing two weeks in this fabulous country with the most generous of people. We have had the pleasure of working with hundreds of children and without fail they have been hugely friendly and genuinely enthusiastic at every session.

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