I managed to finally do some washing this morning prior to setting of to Apade with Stu to run a couple of classes. The washing went well, however the drying didn’t turn out as well. I left them on the balcony but on return in the evening I was a shirt and a pair of shorts light these having blown away in the breeze. Must remember to keep an eye out for a member of the cleaning staff in CWB gear.
The first class at Apade passed without incident and we were happily working with the second class of around 35 when the bell sounded for break. This very quickly turned our well organised session into total chaos as a few hundred children descended on to the playing field. It then became a case of just making sure that everyone was a safe as possible.
Stu then spent the next 45 minutes in best Pied Piper mode as he led around a massive gang of young children all shouting ‘Boom’ to order when one of the class hit the ball. I tried to continue working up the line of batters but really coaching went out of the window and we just did the best we could to entertain the crowds.
Once this class had finished we spent the rest of the lunch break working with the school team, we simulated a game and I spent most of my time attempting to get some sort of order to the fielding, like kids everywhere they are very keen to bat and bowl but concentration in the field is a definite area for improvement.
This was the first day that I had done an after school session at Nyagunga and I now can see why all the others were having such a time there; we ended up with around 125 people playing cricket. The area is pretty small and a bit crowded but boy is it fun. I’m hoping my new friends Dudu, The Game and Fabregas read this, if you do please leave me a message below.
As this was Sally’s last night we all decide to go to what the guide books described as the top restaurant ‘Heaven’ this turned out to be a good decision as the open air setting and food were both top class. After the meal we stayed for a few drinks and even had a play on a Nintendo Wii that was set up. Dave proving to be the undisputed king of tennis after several easy victories against members of the bar staff.
Click here to view all the videos from the trip on our YouTube Channel.