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Rwanda 2010

Training Weekend Day 2 – Brighton

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Day two started for most at 9.30, although a few stragglers rolled in at around 9.50 the punishment for this was to take the morning warm up in the gym. After a fiercely contested 10 minutes of a handball style game (3-2 to team Rwanda) any cobwebs (hangovers) were swept away and the rest of the morning was spent in country groups working on more coaching sessions that would incorporate the HIV/AIDS messages.

After lunch it was back into the gym where each team was asked to demonstrate their two best drills to the rest of the teams – a few short video samples of these can be found on the CWB Rwanda YouTube channel.

It was then that a Land Rover turned up stuffed to the gills with donated hard ball cricket equipment that was then split up to be distributed into the different countries.

The rest of the afternoon was spent again in country team’s distributing the kit/t-shirts to be taken as luggage and finalising details such as airport meet times etc.

That concluded a fun and very informative weekend that left everyone feeling much more confident about their trips and also raring to go. Team Rwanda being the first team to leave in less than a week.

A huge thank you must go to the CWB team for organising the weekend and especially Andy who was around the whole time.

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