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Rwanda 2010

Training Weekend Day 1 – Brighton

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Day 1 of the training weekend in Brighton gave the full Rwanda team the chance to all finally meet up with each other, and once Dan (who lives in Brighton) actually found the venue this all took place over a cuppa at the venue. There was also two other CWB teams at the training and they were due to depart to Kenya and Botswana.

Programme of the day

10.00 – 11.00:
Introduction from Andy and Chris 2 trustees of Cricket Without Boundaries

11.00 – 12.00:
Into the sports hall for example warm up cricket drill incorporating AIDS/HIV messages, game of Indoor cricket again using AIDS/HIV messages where appropriate.

12.00 – 1.00:
HIV/AIDS presentation from Veronika who was a CWB last year on a trip to Botswana. The following is a rough outline of this excellent and informative presentation.

  • Difference between HIV and Aids
  • How HIV is transmitted
  • High risk groups
  • Natural progression of HIV
  • Risk of HIV transmission
  • HIV prevalence worldwide
    • In 2008 33.4 million people are infected
    • The 19 most prevalent countries are all in Africa, 60% of all people infected globally are in Africa.
    • In the UK 0.2 % of people are infected, in the worst countries in Africa this can rise to as high as 25%
  • 2008 prevalence in countries that CWB visit
    • Uganda – 5.4%
    • Kenya – 7.1 – 8.3%
    • Rwanda – 2.8%
    • Botswana – 23.9%
  • Anti HIV medications
    • Only 30% of people who need ARV drugs receive them, 70% do not.
  • Effect of HIV/AIDS
    • Life expectancy in some African countries can be as low as 39
  • Ways to reduce the transmission of HIV/AIDS
  • CWB messages
    • A – Abstain
    • B – Be faithful
    • C – Wear a condom
    • Testing
    • Treatment
  • Why volunteering is important
  • How can cricket help?

We went back into the sports hall and each countries teams were asked to develop and then demonstrate a coaching drill incorporating HIV/AIDS awareness messages.

1.00 – 2.00:

2.00 – 4.00:
Outside (definitely colder than Africa) for a sample session run by Andy then again into country groups to each run a session on a different batting stroke.

4.00 – 4.45:
Country specific logistics, answering all question/concerns that the group had.

4.45 – 5.00:
Back into the hall for a quick game of urban cricket (Victory for team Rwanda!!!)

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