Today me, Sam and Jamie all set off early in the bus to travel down to a school in the morning to teach secondary and primary school children. Upon arrival we met the head teacher, who welcomed us to the school and showed us which children we would be coaching. We started small with just 20 secondary school children, although later several more came to join the fun.
The school didn’t have a playing area on-site so we began the long walk to the area which we were going to coaching on. As we were walking down the road a younger goat herder and his many goats joined us as well as Eddie driving his bus closely behind.
When we made it to the coaching area Jamie went through with the children some ABCT HIV awareness messages and at the same time me and Sam were setting up the first station of catching. We went through a few catching dills with the children and introduced a test to see who could catch 15 ball the quickest. We then moved on to a game of crossfire, which the children quickly picked up and enjoyed taking part in. However, the rain quickly put a stop to the games as everyone ran for cover in Eddie bus.
Once the rain had stopped we started a new session with the primary school children doing the same drill as before. Also spreading the ABCT message within the games.
Sadly this session had to come to an early end as Henrik and Tyler both fell ill and it was decided that we would make the trip back to Kigali to ensure all was OK. After a few hours waiting and results returned they got the all clear and we headed back to the hotel.
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