Today was our festival day, which means music, cricket and lots of dancing. Schools came to the Gahanga Cricket Stadium to play multiple matches of mini cricket. Each school brought a girls and a boys’ team. The overall aim of each school was to score the most runs and fewest wickets and become the overall winners.

All the girls’ teams played each other and the boy’s teams did the same. During these games our roles were to score and umpire which meant counting runs and determine whether the ball was accepted and not wide or a no ball. Each run scored 1 point and if the ball was wide or a no ball it was 2 points, every-time the team lost a wicket they would lose 5 runs, a real incentive to protect their wickets at all times.

After all the group stage games were played there was a final for the boys and a girl and a 3rd and 4th place match. The winners each received a medal and a trophy as well as an exercise book and pen. Every player from a team who didn’t win still received an exercise book and a pen.
Before the presentation took place there was a dance off. Each school was called down one by one and asked to perform some moves to any song. Some of the dancing was very impressive. However one little boy stood out to us all as he just kept jumping into box splits!!

After the schools all went team MUZUNGU took centre stage and performed some cracking moves (if we do say ourselves). Our performance received a lot of cheers and rounds of applause! We all definitely think that we won! – (Editors note, they didn’t)
After presentation, lunch was handed to all of the children which allowed us to sit and chat with them about what their aspirations where after and if they’ve had fun and generally chat with the children! What an amazing chance to get an insight of what the y are actually wanting to be after their schooling career. A lot of future doctors hopefully!

To end a very enjoyable day, we were able to sit by the pool in our hotel and reflect as a group on our day!
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