Kids and Chaos

Today was another extremely interesting day here in Rwanda. We started the day off heading to some primary school grounds to do some more coaching. However when we arrived we realised it was break time for one of the schools which left us surrounded by lots of very excited children. Luckily we managed to separate them all into groups and put some games together which kept them all entertained till the end of break.

The trip has been equally mind blowing each day with so many new experiences, I think we already have learnt a lot of life lessons in the five days we have been here. It’s been amazing how well we have all worked together on this trip, the atmosphere each day has been filled with positivity. I really appreciate all the support the other volunteers have given me thus far, as before this trip I’ve never really done anything sports related, so my coaching has been rather clueless so far. Fortunately all the other volunteers have really helped me out and I think I could even catch a ball with one hand now.

After the first session we had some lunch where I tried a dish known as a rolex. A rolex consists of a Spanish omelette wrapped round a chapatti, and honestly if you ever have the pleasure of going to Rwanda I would hugely recommend one!

For the second session we once again were met with a rather difficult situation. We went to a primary school which was supposed to have two sessions of 100 children, however when we arrived all 200 odd children were outside. This meant we had to organise all these children and put together some games in a quick one hour session. I think that although I’m not a very good sports coach, I feel like I’ve been doing a good job at making the kids laugh. Whether it’s with silly dance moves or other silly actions I think that the kids enjoy me acting like a fool.

Another great thing about today was when I showed one of the kids how to take pictures, he proceeded to take lots of pictures of his friends which they all seemed to really enjoy. I really want to bring whatever skills I can to the table to make sure all the kids have a really good time when we pull up in Eddie’s van. Sadly today will probably be the last time we see our friend and CWB ambassador Emmy, who has been a fantastic addition to the trip. He’s been an absolute laugh and has really helped me out when I was struggling with certain coaching exercises. That has been another thing that has been a huge highlight of this trip, the people. There are so many characters over here that are really interesting and cool people, and I think one of the best things in life is meeting new people who will live on in all our memories upon our return to the UK. I think today has been a real positive one, we have all improved with our coaching, I got some great footage and tried some amazing food! I hope that each day remains as good as they have been so far.  


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