Day 13 – International Women’s Day

*Proverbs 31:25*: “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.”

This was sent by one of the CWB Ambassadors, Landry, first thing and it sums up all the women we met today.

Our first stop was the Meg Foundation,part of the Kinamba Project…worth looking up ( – they do great work in Rwanda and you can sponsor a child for only £20 per month to help feed, clothe and educate them. We were greeted by singing from the 50 or so kids that attend the school. We were then led up to their playing area, with stunning views over Kigala. The juniors, aged from about 4-8, were entertained by renditions of the Hokey Cokey, The Wheels on the Bus and We’re Climbing up the Sunshine Mountain and any other songs from our childhood we could rustle up! The older kids were taught how to bowl and played a fielding game called cross-fire.

Next stop was the Kigali Genocide Memorial. The photographs in the ‘Children’s room’ of some of the children murdered was particular moving for all of us. It really hit home at the scale of the atrocity and the amount of innocent kids and people that were killed.

Rwanda is such a beautiful country with amazing people, it was difficult to comprehend how the genocide could have happened.

Press for Progress was the theme of International Women’s day and you can definitely see and sense the progress that Rwandans have made since 1994.

As part of efforts to reconstruct Rwanda and nurture a shared national identity, the Government drew on aspects of Rwandan culture and tradition and introduced Umuganda. Umuganda can be translated as ‘coming together in common purpose’ and be described as community work. On the last Saturday of each month, communities come together to do a variety of public projects.

Next on the schedule was a coaching session at the Life International Christian Academy. An English speaking private school, where the kids had no problems with Danny’s broad Sheffield accent, a first on the trip! Another round of ABCT messaging and some rapid fire cricket in the baking sun to both the senior and junior schools..then we were off again. Our trusted driver Eddie waiting to take us on to our next destination.

Next up was the APECOS Rwanda Orphanage – an orphanage caring for kids with HIV & AIDS. Again a wonderful reception from both the kids and helpers. Tennis balls, sweets and balloons were dished out to the kids and Clive was encouraged to buy some crates of pop for the women – it was International Women’s Day after all. Drew served the drinks to the women and it was a lovely party atmosphere.

Then back to the hotel, a quick shower and out for dinner with the Rwandan Cricket Association, our CWB Ambassadors and some representatives of the ICC in Africa. Fantastic speeches, a lot of laughter and a great night was had by everyone.


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