Day 12 – ABCT in the Park

Huye’s cricket festival took place this morning in searing heat and just after we had all finished packing for Kigali. After a bumpy trip down winding roads,we arrived at a football ground with not much grass but a great surface for cricket. 4 primary and 3 secondary teams took part with some excellent skills and game knowledge which had obviously came from Joseph, who had also arranged a dj for the event.

After 2 rounds of “round robin ” there were 2 closely fought finals with Ngoma winning the primary and MVP Gatawara winning the secondary.

MVP then challenged CWB who managed to maintain their unbeaten Rapidfire record by 3 runs (phew)!

There was then an intense dance off led by the dj. Despite Danny’s protestations,we had to admit defeat by some way. 2 girl competitors entertained us with song before saying our goodbyes and driving 3 hours to Kigali. This was a great trip in daylight with many smiling faces and amazing scenery along the way. Rwanda is indeed a beautiful place. Also,an amazing carpool karaoke version of Wonderwall by us all.

We booked into the lovely Solace guest house and off to Messi Fresh for massive burritos.

Highlights of today were the return of Eddie the driver whose son is now better, Joseph’s rapport with children and teachers alike and how adaptable our team is when faced with a challenge whether that be cricket or dancing.


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