Well we have arrived after four countries in 24 hours. Ollie met us at Kigali Airport as did Eddie our driver. Lindsey was official photographer including a plane snap during our 45 minute visit to Burundi.
We visited the team at the RCA after playing frogger to cross the four unmarked-lane road and even managed to dish out three tennis balls to three curious youngsters in Kigali.
Our hotel is fantastic with a pool and ever so friendly staff. Already planning a coach education session tomorrow with Dancing Danny in charge (if we can get him to take his sunglasses off).
However tonight is about Lindsey and Drew celebrating Scotland being rugby World Champs after beating England at Murrayfield today . Wi-fi is a marvelous thing.
We have received best wishes from Hatch who was unable to join us but our only wish was that she here with us.
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