Day 11 – The Divide part 2

Views from Dan Pett

Me Andrew and Lewis were the chosen ones to go up north to kinihira. We were advised by rob to sleep for 40 minutes and enjoy the rest of the drive around 1:30 as the views were incredible. He was not wrong, the views of the tea plants and the mountains were amazing. The tea fields stretched for around 25 minutes, and it wasn’t until later that we found out that the farmers get paid 27P for every kilo of leaves they collect- so not a lot!!!!

I’ve found on every trip to a school we’ve been on is that when we drive past people in the bus, no matter what they are doing they all stop and look at us and wave ( unless their males then it’s just a solid stare). So we picked up a ambassador called Remy, who took us to the school which was located next to a market and many people standing around.

After much deliberation we came up with a master plan!! We had a high bank where we put the batting, a small bank just below where some fielders ducked as the batsmen hit the balls, and then finally the fielders at the bottom! They loved it as the bank allowed them to hit the ball a lot further than if it was a flat surface. There was around 120 secondary kids which all had a turn of standing in each position – the session was organized well!!


The warm up we did for the sessions at the school ( 2 one hour sessions) were relays in which we did the basic running and hopping, but then created piggybacking and wheelbarrowing which the kids found hilarious.



It was a good start to the morning. The primary school kids were a little bit more chaotic but did the same session with them, which still worked but somehow I had double the amount of kids with me batting whilst there was just a few kids fielding at the bottom. It was difficult to recognize faces! Eventually the end of the session finished with a massive hokey cokey. There must of been 150/200 kids chanting ABCS and then running in to the middle and back out – me Andy and Lewis said it was the best morning we have had (DREAM TEAM)!

The team staying in Kigali was Alex, James, Rob and Chris alongside Eric – At the first school the team split up to do 3 drills

Alex + Chris – Catching

Chris even helped her block the sun from her eyes!!

Chris even helped her block the sun from her eyes!!


James + Rob – Batting


Eric – Bowling

During this session Alex met a lad in one of the drills who didn’t know any of the ABC messages but after his time at the station who was reciting the ABC’s to Alex so he gave him a big high ten, a fist bump and a CWB wristband and nicknamed him little man and he like Jasmine yesterday was there to at the bus to wave goodbye as the team headed for lunch.


After lunch the team headed back to the same school to coach the older kids however when they got there it was break time so they just did some catching and messing around and as Alex felt someone pulling at his T-shirt he looked down to see Little man again! Eventually break ended and the team completed some sessions – with the same splits as earlier except this time Chris + Alex were doing a throwing drill.


In the afternoon session the team went to Meg Foundation which is ran by a woman from the UK with 35 years’ experience in education who was a really nice woman – the area used for sport was very picturesque with an incredible view. The team played two big games of crossfire one after the other with all the kids involved.





Luckily for the team the big man Eric took the lead of the session!



One thing that stood out was just how motivating, enthusiastic and involved the teachers were with the kids and the session which was brilliant to see and what is a fantastic school.


One comment to “Day 11 – The Divide part 2”
  1. It’s great to read about and see so many children enjoying themselves by simply playing cricket and to mix this with the HIV message is just wonderful.
    Glad to know that you are all having a good time – congratulations on doing such a fantastic job.

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