Day 9 – A day of Donations, Rain and Cricket

Today the team travelled to ROP (Rwandan orphans project) which is a truly amazing place and project where not only do they provide a home and school for the children they also work to try and place children back with their parents or close family if possible – which includes a lot of hard work and is a very time consuming job!

The team looked around the orphanage before ending up sat in a classroom with some of the orphans for a lesson!



The lesson started with project leader Rob trying to teach the team + orphans some equations that will never be understood by many in the room


The lesson then ended up becoming a game of hangman with some very interesting answers made by the orphans…. For example a 3 letter word which was PASI (yes that is 4) even the ambassador Eric had no idea what this word meant and believe it or not this was actually the answer on more than one occasion.

As the team went back outside to play some catching and cricket with the orphans they began to hand out football (and some cricket) shirts that had belonged to them when they were younger or shirts that had been donated by people they knew.



He even kissed the badge!!

He even kissed the badge!!

James also donated a large variety of toys (musical instrument toys) for the orphanage to put in their play room!


After giving out the shirts the play area then turned into a massive game of mazungoo vs locals with no goals so just passing before eventually the team had to leave.

In the afternoon the team travelled to Riviera school which is a boarding school which is the most expensive school in Rwanda – the team were provided with lunch there alongside students + the staff! The school had basketball courts, tennis court and a swimming pool and was a beautiful setting.



Believe it or not but the team actually found a student at the school who is from Bradford (like james) and is sent out to the boarding school in Rwanda. The team set up a cricket match and played for a while swapping batsmen with each wicket and as they prepared for the session to begin properly the rain started to pour down again like the day before causing in the students to run inside. When the rain finally stopped the session never really got into full swing again resulting in the match they had been playing previously before they travelled back to the hotel.

Whilst at the school Dan met a young lad called Jonathan who he helped with his bowling technique and had a good chat with him before giving him a brazil football shirt as well which Jonathan was very happy with .. Dan described Jonathan as a Legend!!


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