Day 6 – Normality Resumed

This morning the team set off at 8:45 am for Cyarwa primary school where the team anticipated that there was soon to be a break time which would leave the field of play a complete write off when it came to completing drills so they spent 20 – 30 minutes smacking tennis balls as high as they could in the air leaving hundreds of children trying to catch the ball before throwing it back for the cycle to start again.

When break time was over the team got prepared for the main drills which started with Andrews now in group famous warm up relays which had really impressed members of team Rwanda.


After the relays the team split up to coach different areas with project leader Rob running a session for the first time this trip after feeling he had given the team enough time and chances to gain experience – the splits were …

Alex + Rob – Catching


James + Andy – Bowling


Dan + Lewis – Batting



End of session picture time!!

End of session picture time!!

In the afternoon the team travelled to Regina secondary school. There was a lot of children in not a great deal of space – in the biggest area there was a game of proper cricket being played and there was a large amount of pupils sat around the playing area watching the game which was good to see. There was also a catching drill on another area of the school and next to the cricket match there was a drill of organised chaos with pupils split up into two teams throwing balls at the cricket stumps placed between these two teams.

James had a touching moment at the school when he was talking to a 14 year old pupil about HIV (ABC messages) to which the pupil replied telling James that he lost his dad to HIV/aids and didn’t know his mother and therefore he was living on his own and fully dependant on himself which clearly moved James to hear that story.

In the late afternoon Dan + Lewis travelled to university and played a game of cricket with the students the rest of the team travelled to Cyarwa but this time to work with the secondary school pupils the group split up to run session of crossfire and diamond cricket which was very successful until the team heard a bell and hundreds of primary school children ran out onto the playing area so they packed up the kit and entertained the kids with a couple bats and balls for a bit of organised chaos. Before the session the team also met a very cute street kid and gave her a wristband and water bottle – she didn’t leave their side until the session at the school had gotten well underway.



The look on her face when she received the water bottle from us was amazing that something so simple could mean so much – Alex + James

The evening meal was very eventful as the team headed to a restaurant close to the hotel with all but one (Andrew) of the group ordering goat and chips – when the food eventually arrived at the table all members of the group were shocked at the sight of a plate of chips, peas and a lot of onions the reason for this shock was a lack of goat … well no goat whatsoever. As Eric told the team the goat was coming they tucked into their chips and as they all finished the chips and still no goat they group realised that they weren’t getting any goat and this was then confirmed by the waitors who said the order had been messed up which left the team confused as to whether they should be angry or in fits of laughter.

Tomorrow would be the day of the first festival of Team Rwanda’s trip!!!!!!!!!!

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