Day 3 – Time for a full day of coaching!!

As the team woke up today there were a few sore heads as anticipated after their team bonding session in the bar (that’s how the team’s welfare officer Lewis described the evening’s events). The team headed to Kibondo primary school where they had 2 hours and roughly 100 children each hour however with break and play times the yard was often filled with hundreds of children which caused a bit of chaos at times. There were 3 main areas being worked on which were

Bowling (Lewis and James)


Batting (Andrew and Dan + Chris until he had to go on crowd control)


Catching (Alex and Eric)


One thing that shocked many of the group is that prisoners who are in prison for murdering in the genocide were working in the school yard amongst the kids smashing concrete! Something they’d never seen anything like back at home.

After a hotdog and chips the team then managed to get back to the hotel for an hours power nap before the next session which they have been told happens very rarely so they shouldn’t get used to the luxury.

The team then set off to Cefote secondary school where they once again split into 3 areas with each area having a different game being played on it with the team evenly spread amongst these 3 games. It was nice for the team to get work with a secondary school for the first time as the language barrier was less interfering meaning they could pass on messages and instructions a lot easier.

One quote from a 17 year old boy which he said to Alex

“It’s a real privilege for us to have you come and play with us, I wish that you come back”

Which was a really nice and rewarding for him to make such an impact and give someone a memory for life.

Another thing that touched Lewis was when speaking to a 16 year old who didn’t know any of the ABC messages however he returned Lewis at the end of the session and recited the messages to him resulting in Lewis giving him a high five and a wristband.


3 comments to “Day 3 – Time for a full day of coaching!!”
  1. I’m sure there’ll be many more moving and rewarding encounters before the trip is over, and memories for life for both you and the children.
    Enjoying reading the blog!
    Rob – good to see that you, at least, managed to relax on the journey out – that’s a very familiar image! Really proud of you! xx

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