Alan on our latest Rwandan adventures
Shorthanded today as 3 of the group were up at 4.00am to go Gorilla watching. No doubt we will hear from them in due course.
Those remaining headed off the Ecole Primaire St. Joseph where 72 students aged 10 to 12 were taught. Then chaos started, as the next group of 184 or so aged between 6 and 7 arrived, most of whom could speak only Kinyarwandan and French. After the initial OH b……….all of them had fun for an hour or so. They left after being gathered into a group and being asked to sing, which they did willingly and beautifully I now know the ABC song in French.
Lunch very civilised at the Novotel next door, who do the best sandwiches – no I am not on commission! However, my tuna sandwich, when I thought about it, must have travelled thousands of miles. How much further from an ocean anyone could be I cannot guess.
Two schools in the afternoon, one of which was a revelation in terms of the quality of cricket as we supervised and assisted in a game. The input of the local coaches and association was obvious.
Whilst we remain for the moment in the regions of Kigali, the countryside is glorious, and the people welcoming.
And finally, at last a long soak in a bath. My apologies to my colleagues who must be finding us all a little overripe. The water when immersed was clear, the bottom of the bath 30 minutes later completely obscured
Hard work, great fun, over 330 children coached today. Tomorrow the festival, but before then, yet more beers, and a well deserved meal.