Two days of coaching and we’ve already racked up over a thousand kids and thats even with a stereotypical cricket rain delay.
Day 3 started gave us our first visit to the Oval, site of one of the many horrific scenes of slaughter during the genocide. It was a fantastic session with the kids, made easier with the help of now officially CWB ambassadors Eric and Odi. Whilst coaching the kids we did have to contend with the driving school down the bottom who occasionally thought that our line of cones for close catching was a good place to practice bay parking.
Just as we were scheduled to head to our next destination the heavens opened and my god did they open. This left us with no option but to head back to the apartments for shelter. Within 5 minutes boredom set in and a game of ‘1 hand 1 Bounce’ ensued.
After the rain break the group split and half went to the PSI centre and the rookies were thrown in the deep end at King David school to fend for ourselves and personally it was fantastic.
The day finished off with a trip to the Rwandan Orphans Project where we were greeted with screams of “COME ON BOWLER” which made Lee’s little northern face light up. I can’t wait for our session there at the end of the week.
P.s. For those who want to know ventured on to the Turboking last night and no qualms from me.
G Mac signing off.
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