Today was el scorchio, the sun was certainly packing some heat. The morning was spent in Butare coaching a primary school. A load of great kids, many of which were fascinated by my hairy legs, at one point I had about 6 kids stroking the hair on my legs which can only be described as awkward. All in all it was another good session and it was invigorating to get back to doing the skills stations. I was given the batting station, playing the pull shot. A session epitomizing the CWB coaching message of “Do as I say, not as i do.”
The afternoon was back in Nyanza on the local football pitch. After negotiating with the daisy & co, the local dairy producers to move out of the way we got a good session with about 100 secondary schools kids. I do enjoy these sessions, don’t get me wrong the ABC message is very important but sometimes with the little ones it is very repetitive. The older kids are more likely to be sexually active so I find it easier to explain the messages and get over the importance of testing. I have noticed that down south here their understanding of HIV isn’t as great as those in Kigali, which makes our message more important.
G Mac
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