Day 6 All about the ROP and the festival

Today was festival day. Even with some logistical issues we managed to get a cricket festival going for some of the schools we have been coaching this week. Excella hosted it and it was a sight to see these kids from other schools come together to slap a ball around. Another aspect of the festival was coach ed (no not Ed from RCSF although he could do with some catching practice.) Coach education meant all the teachers were dragged together and given some coaching cards and shown a few little games to take back to their schools and continue the legacy of CWB.


We also managed to get in a little photo shoot for the next edition of coaching cards replacing the diagrams with photos of locals. One of the teachers looked very professional with my big sun hat on his head. 


Over lunch we realised where we had left the supplies this morning was covered in ants and Lee really enjoyed his ant sandwich.


This afternoon was the big session of the week, a trip to the Rwandan Orphans Project. A massive downpour of rain started just as we rocked up. This didn’t stop us, the dinner hall was soon rearranged with table pushed to the side to create stands for the indoor arena. It was clear to see the legacy Lee and CWB have left at this place as the kids just picked up the bats and got on with a game. Once the heavens closed we went to the field and if i’m honest little coaching happened as the kids took stumps, balls and bats and set up their own games of cricket. Such a contrast to the complete aliens to cricket we have seen this week. This left the coaches with the opportunity to test their own skills with Ed launching some skiers for us to catch but young Etienne from the orphanage took many of us to big school. A 45 person strong line of a Last Man, whoops Sorry jules! A Last PERSON standing catching competition ensued. Much to everyones shock Odifax made it to the final after not being able to catch a cold earlier but he was put back in his place by one of the orphans.


The night was rounded off with a trip to a photography exhibition for the ROP, with pictures taken by the kids being sold. It was great to see these little kids at such ease, mixing in a room full of adults. After that we went Bowling, a very surreal experience as the old fashioned lanes were hand operated, which made it more fun waiting to bowl as an arm reached down to clear the pins.


Anyway this is the last blog out of Kigali before we head south. Not entirely sure what the internet access is going to be like down south but I will try my best to get some regular blogging done.


See you later Kigali!


G Mac

rwanda13 Written by:

One Comment

  1. Kevin Key
    October 5, 2013

    As ever great to read about the great work you girls & guys are doing out there and carrying on the legacy from previous projects. Did Lee win in the moto-taxi race? (surely you must of had one!). Looking forward to hearing about the adventure "down south"…

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