Meet the Team

With only a few days left to go. Think its only right we introduce the team.

In no particular order

Project Leader: Jules Farman

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOk here's my application for Miss World Competition:

A year ago to the date we are flying out to Rwanda this year, I did my first CWB coaching session teaching  an attentive 7 year old girl how to bowl on a dusty, red soil football pitch in Muhanga, in rural South Rwanda. I showed her how to bowl with a straight arm, and look directly at her target to bowl in a straight line. I dashed to the stumps the other end to keep wicket to her first ball, thinking it would either trickle down or go side-wards. What happened next? I saw the arm (straight arm I hasten to add) come wind-milling over like a propeller, and the next thing I saw was a tennis ball come hurtling towards me, and smack me right on the thigh. As the girl laughed with excitement at bowling her first ball, I crumpled to the floor like a premiership footballer who just had someone breathe near them in the penalty area…. I knew from that moment on I loved coaching in Rwanda and that I wanted to come back for more.

I am Project Leader Jules, and one of my main aims in life is to encourage as many people as I can to get involved with cricket, because literally anyone can get involved in the game whether playing, officiating or making the teas. And what other game do you get to have a break for a cup of tea!

A total cricket nut – I coach throughout the year, score for Chalfont St Peter and MCC during the summer, and I am involved with various cricket committees in my local area. Technically I am a member of Ickenham Ladies CC, but I have only played three games of indoor cricket, and in one of them bowled on over where I took out three of my own team with my Mitchel Johnson like wide bowling and on the last ball, to the shock of everyone, took a wicket as the batsman, did what my Dad always taught me not to do – go after a wide ball. Learning how to bowl properly is my off-season project this year.

Liam Burnell

LiamI’m most well known at my club for a moment that has gone down in Steeple Langford folklore, when I was fielding at third man and somehow managed to throw the ball over my head and into a nearby back garden, which I then had to go and retrieve the ball from, much to the amusement to all my team mates and spectators!  I’ve come along way since then though, and at one stage captained the district representative side.

Away from cricket, I’m a big sports fan in general, and once played a game of football refereed by Ray Stubbs (probably the most famous you’re going to get seeing as though support Salisbury!), although I have got a signed sudoku book by Ian Wright (don’t ask)! I was also on Central news 5 times during their coverage of the 1st day of this years Ashes!

Probably should chuck in that I’ve carried the Olympic torch, and was shortlisted for a national Natwest OSCA 2 years a go which was pretty cool. Last couple of years I’ve been coaching our under 9s group at Steeple Langford, and have fallen in love with that side of the game. Going out to help those less fortunate than ourselves has always been something I’ve wanted to do, and so when the opportunity to go out with CWB came up, I wasn’t going to turn it down! Looking forward to a packed couple of ABCs with CWB!

Maybe worth mentioning I’m the youngest of the group!

Annette Cousins

AnnetteI play and captain the women’s cricket team at OBWCC (Old Bristolians Westbury)  in Bristol. I’ve always played cricket starting in the garden with my brothers, followed by school and university teams. On reflection my bowling peaked when I was 15yo but my batting is still fairly respectable. I now coach the womens team and the U9 group at the club.

I work as a civil engineer for a construction company which means spending long hours on site and more recently in the regional office.

I’m excited about going to Rwanda – I’ve already learned so much about HIV/AIDS and look forward to coaching there.



Lee Booth

LeeGrowing up in Huddersfield has provided me with the ideal background for volunteering in developing countries, I have used this alongside my Level 3 cricket coaching to help take CWBs message to Rwanda, Kenya and Uganda.

This will be trip number 6 (or maybe 7) to Rwanda and as always I am looking forward to meeting old friends and seeing how the game is developing and helping to train the next generation of cricket coaches who will help to deliver the messages to the young about their future.

No doubt as always this trip will throw up memories that will last a lifetime from the heart breaking to the awe inspiring to the faintly ridiculous (see picture). Please don’t check on our Flickr page for the photo that shows me breaking the bike. I promise I fixed it.

Paula Redpath

PaulaPaula Aka P,  Peeeeee or Peester,

Or some might say I could set up as a look alike of Claire Balding or even James Corden ! Maybe that's my sporting connection…..

I have played sport since school, well in those days it was Hockey and Netball in the winter and athletics and rounders in the summer.  My school report said if Paula paid as much attention in academic lessons as she did PE she would be an A+ student.  

Also my passion is travel, so I decided to work in the Hotel industry and I currently work for Hilton Hotels, is there one in Rwanda ?  I have travelled widely whilst enjoying sport having played cricket in Sri Lanka and Weymouth (yes Weymouth) and hockey in Kenya, Seychelles, Thailand and …..well most of the UK.

Looking forward to going to Africa with CWB and the awesome Team Rwanda and giving something back to those not as privileged as we are.

Oh and I guess my legacy from the training weekend is how to drink a pint in under 5 seconds – any challengers ?

Thanks to all those who have sponsored me list is endless so you know who you are !

Steve Tegg

imageteggI have been involved in cricket since I was a young lad and it has been a big part of my recreational life. As a youth I played representative cricket for Gloucestershire. I have had the pleasure of playing with and against some international cricketers such a Jack Russell, David Lawrence, Andy Caddick, Steve James, Paul Jarvis and Chris Pringle (New Zealand) to name a few.

My best years as a player are long gone but my passion for the game remains strong. I play for Frocester captaining there 3rd XI the season just gone. I got involved in coaching 5 years ago and I am a level 2.5 club coach. As well as coaching at my own club. I also coach district representative teams for Gloucestershire Cricket Board. I have found coaching young people to be very rewarding whether that be an absolute beginner simply having fun and enjoying the game, or a talented player who wants to develop their game to play at a higher level.

Over the winter just gone I have enjoyed coaching with my brother for the first time. During one session over the winter I wanted to demonstrate to a group of players the importance of getting side on and the following through. Unfortunately for me the demonstration didn't go according to plan and even worse it was caught on camera and found its way onto YouTube. My brother provides the commentary…

I volunteered for CWB as it presents a great opportunity to introduce people to the game of cricket and demonstrate how much fun it can be whilst raising awareness of HIV/AIDS. I am also looking forward to making new friends and the adventure that lies ahead.

Marissa Rundle

marissaI can't bat or bowl and frankly my left handed throwing arm is rubbish but I love cricket.  I am obsessed with Test Match Special, Henry Blofeld, my dear old things, is my favorite.  My love for the game started young watching my father and brother play their favorite sport.  My cricketing career however never really took off but I was always keen to join in the annual beach cricket season at Balnarring or a backyard test match at Grandpas.    

Now days I am very lucky to follow the summer around the world.  This year I witnessed a thrilling draw between England and New Zealand in Auckland,  a close win by England in the first Ashes test at Trent Trent Bridge and hope to catch the Boxing day test in my home town Melbourne.  As a passionate Australian cricket supporter I am hoping our team can produce a little magic down under and regain the trophy but it may be wishful thinking!  

I am very excited to be part of the Cricket Without Boundaries trip to Rwanda this year.  I love working with young people and I am sure that along with promoting the very important messages about HIV prevention and treatment, we will also have a heap of fun.  Roll on Saturday.  Rwanda here we come!!! 

I have received incredible support from both my friends and family and cricket lovers from around the world during my fundraising campaign.  I wish to thank everybody for their support and well wishes.  Big thanks to Monbulk CC, Nicole & the boys, Ollie, Andy and the great Notts hero Swanny himself.

Last and definitely least

Greg Mackett

39320_454217584362_2241472_nAs Jules put it, here is my Mr Universe application. Other than wanting world peace I'm a sporting nut from supporting the likes of Tottenham & Saracens. I've played cricket from the age of 11 for Southgate Adelaide in the Herts league. Also been known to whack a little white golf ball a long way as well.

Over the years i've been given an array of Nicknames and I will try to remember them.

Mac, GMac, BigMac, Mac daddy, Maco, Macaroozer, Receiver, Receder, Harmy (wayward bowling), Stevie or Ray (reference to bowling like a blind man whilst wearing my sunnies), Tredders, Downes, Barbie and quite regular am greeted on the phone to screams of "I'm a Mackett man" to the backing of Elton John's rocket man.

CWB came to my attention earlier this year when a friend brought it to my attention. After looking at the website I was instantly grabbed my the philosophy of the charity. I signed up and my mate who suggested it chickened out but that wasn't going to stop me.

As i'm sure you can probably tell I like to think i have a bit of a sense of humour and that will hopefully come across in these blogs.


And there you have it, that is Team Rwanda Autumn 2013.

Stay Tuned! 6 Days to go.

rwanda13 Written by:


  1. Liam Burnell
    September 23, 2013

    And that's us…great write up Greg!

    Not long now!

  2. September 24, 2013

    Looks like there'll be plenty of enthusiasm and humour from the team throughout the next couple of weeks! Looking forward to keeping up with the blog and cheering you on. Have a great trip and say hi to the usual suspects in Rwanda from me. Wish I was coming too! x

  3. Bob Hopkins
    September 24, 2013

    Great stuff, still cursing my luck and deeply envious!


  4. Kevin Key
    September 25, 2013

    Looks like a great team, have fun and enjoy your 2 weeks in "the land of a thousand hills"

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