Ok, I thought this would be easy. After a memorable couple of weeks, and as someone who is rarely lost for words, surely writing a few more to summarise our time in Rwanda would be a doddle and would just roll off onto the page? However, as I sit on the plane home for the final leg our journey, I clearly have writer's block and have no idea where to start. It doesn't help of course that the man next to me has snored like a nasally challenged rhino for 5 hours continuously or that Ethiopian Airways are distracting me by showing the same terrible episode of 'Bones' for the 3rd time since leaving Kigali. However, if I'm being honest, the real reason I may be struggling is because I am only too aware of Jules', Lee's, James' and Mike's previous attempts at daily blogs which have expertly chronicled our adventures whilst at the same time amused and enthralled not only the team, but everyone's family and friends back home. How on earth can I live up to their brilliance? In short; I think I'm feeling the pressure.

Therefore, I shall revert to type and begin by writing about myself (A 'Me' of Actors remember?!?) and list a few things that  I have learnt during my time in Rwanda….

Well, apart from realising that I don't actually play straight (you can make your own jokes there Team), I have learnt that Rwanda is a beautiful country with never ending hills that must be one of the most scenic and aesthetically pleasing places on earth. I have learnt that a team with a 'can do attitude' will be able to rise to any challenge it is presented with – even if it is dealing with 250 extra unexpected children. I have learnt that Piers Morgan is generally considered the most 'Odious Rogue'' around. I have learnt, although never really come to terms with, 'Africa Time' where '5 minutes' can mean anything up to an hour or more. I have learnt that Rwandan children are totally fearless. I have learnt that humans are capable of unspeakable acts of hatred and cruelty that are incomprehensible to any sane mind. I have also learnt though, that despite scars from the past, it is possible to make reparation and to rebuild a society that is caring, proud and generous. I have learnt that the answer to any problem lies at the bottom of a 'Massive Mutzig'! I have learnt what having nothing actually means. Although I have also learnt that having nothing can often mean you treasure the smallest and perhaps most important things in life even more. I have learnt you can keep a 100 children occupied for hours with 1 tennis ball and a bat. I have learnt a smile is infectious. I have learnt to trust Steady Eddy even when he is overtaking on a blind corner half way up a mountain. I have learnt that cricket can be a very simple game and, like no other, promotes inclusion for everyone – young, old, boys, girls, able bodied, disabled people or people living with HIV or AIDs. I have learnt that practically anything, including bar stools, mattresses and an entire fruit stall can be balanced on a head. Although I have learnt that any hand involved in balancing said objects must be considered 'lazy'. I have learnt that Rwanda has the potential to really develop cricket and has a huge natural talent base to draw from. I have learnt that it needs investment though and a clear future plan in order to do so. I have learnt that places like the Rwandan Orphan's project, The Ubaka U Rwanda charity, PSI, and the volunteers who run them are Awe-inspiring. I have learnt that a good graphic designer in Kigali would clean up in the world of Salon marketing. I have learnt there are some 'powerful' hats and looks frequenting the capital's streets. I have also learnt that it is possible to laugh almost continuously for 2 weeks and that it takes a very special type of person to be involved in any CWB project.

And finally, but most significantly perhaps, I have learnt that it is possible for us in the UK to make a difference in helping to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS and that we are capable of improving people's lives in Africa, however little, in some way. I am 100% sure that as a team we have achieved this on a daily basis and am, understandably therefore, hugely proud of all our efforts.

So, as we circle London and the man next to me continues his snoring marathon, I'm almost done. But before I go, I would like to conclude by individually thanking the members of the team in helping me in my role as Project Lead to pass off as smoothly as possible.

Mike – as tutor, thanks for organising the coaching side of things so expertly. As somebody who was a very inexperienced coach at the start you enabled me and the others in my position to develop and to take ownership very quickly. I now also know where my cricket career went wrong – if only I'd have played straight for 20 years! Many thanks…

Kevin – your experience was invaluable. You are the epitome of what CWB is all about with your unflustered, 'bring it on' attitude. Rwandan cricket is already indebted to your efforts.

Mark – a heroic effort to come out for 5 days. You were missed but never forgotten for the remainder of the tour. Hope the training is going well – yarp!

Jules – Your calming influence, your dancing, your ease at coping with being surrounded by 100's of children who were determined not to let you leave and of course your remarkable efforts with writing and keeping the blog up to date were all integral to the success of the trip. I don't know what we'd have done without you.

Lee – The terms 'Odious Rogue', 'Powerful look', and any mention of a future club called 'Planet' will always be synonymous with you. We were all extremely lucky to have you on board – you are a very special man.

James – someone give this man his own TV show. I fail to believe there is a funnier more talented impressionist currently in the UK. Bishop!!!! Thanks for keeping us going.

And finally Ed – for the first and only time I am glad my fitness let me down one evening when out running with you so we were able to be 'guests of honour' at The Pentecostal church choir practice. An amazing experience. Having you there for the last week was invaluable and as one of the trustees I hope you were as proud of the team's achievements as I am. Thanks for everything.

So there we go, awe-inspiring, life affirming memories that I am sure will live with us all forever – love to everyone and thanks for being a part of it.

Here's to Rwanda Autumn 2012!