Day 5 – Lira
So that is it for Lira. Day 5 brought the coach education project to an end. Seeing the teachers playing a front foot driving game with their students this afternoon was testamant to how far they have come in a short period of time. All 32 of them had barely heard of cricket, let alone...

Day 4 – Lira
Day 4 in the Lira big brother house. Another mini-adventure last evening included our walk into Lira at night. No street lights, or much electricity, a storm of almost biblical proportions with the lightening providing some sight of the largest potholes in the Equator but less helpful in allowing us to avoid the early evening...

Day 3 – Lira
A slightly ropey nights sleep for the team as the whole of the Lira seemed to be partying and celebrating the Spanish victory in the European championships. When I woke up there was still hard-core African tunes blaring into my hotel room. The day’s coaching started with the usual relaxed approach to the 10am start...

Day 2 – Lira
Day 2 of the coaching started in crystal blue skies and a scorching sun. The team having enjoyed the ambiance of a saturday night in Lira, including the “no-guns club” and meeting the Uganda equivalent of the Soprano family. Ed’s dynamic warm up, including the “dance like a white man” soon put pay to any...

Day 1 – Lira
Myself (Ed Williams) and Lee Booth landed in Entebbe airport early yesterday morning, fresh from transiting through one of the more average international airports, Kenyetta Airport in Nairobi. Meeting up with Rich Davies the third member of the team, we headed into Kampala, in the process being reunited with African capital city traffic being casually...

The Project
1. NAME OF THE PROJECT PROPOSAL Cricket Development in Northern Uganda Region while promoting social development 2012 -2015 2. BENEFICIARIES Boys and Girls of 6 to 19 years of age in Northern Uganda region focusing on the areas of Gulu , Arua and Lira. 3. BACKGROUND Following the revival of Cricket in Uganda in 1986,...

About Uganda
Uganda is located in East Africa and shares borders with Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The country also shares a border with Africa’s largest lake, Lake Victoria which covers an area of 68,800 square kilometres in all. The country remains a member of the Commonwealth, although it became independent...

Cricket Without Boundaries
The Cricket Without Boundaries Trust was established in April 2005 by founder-trustees Andy Hobbs, Chris Kangis and Ed Williams. It is a registered charity in the UK, number 1111316, operating under the name of Cricket Without Boundaries (“CWB”). CWB has three main goals: To spread cricket through coaching children and teaching adults how to coach;...

Northern Uganda 2012
UK-based charity Cricket Without Boundaries are to to deliver a cricket development project in Northern Uganda in partnership with the Uganda Cricket Association, the ICC and UK Sport.