Day 17 – Arua
Our final morning working with the teachers was conducted under clear blue skies, the highlight of the session being our second ‘Pairs’ match which was decided from the last ball, we also looked at the pull shot and gave the teachers final tips on their coaching techniques in particular stressing the importance of coaching one...

Day 16 – Arua
Our final Sunday in Africa once again began with a mornings work before allowing the teachers to return home to family. We spent the time working on some more bowling this time with the teachers coaching one another, our biggest problem has been trying to get them to understand the principle that when coaching you...

Day 15 – Arua
After the disappointment of yesterday and all the rain the sun was back in full effect today and I think at times this afternoon it was a hot as we have had to deal with in our time here. After a brisk warm up led by Grayce we moved straight into a pairs game of...

Day 14 – Arua
Today felt like we had made a return to England a week early as unfortunately the weather got the better of us and we were unable to do any work outside on the playing field. A torrential storm started at about 5 in the morning and for around 3 hours all that could be heard...

Day 13 – Arua
Our first day coaching in Arua began with the amazing site of around 20 of the 30 teachers already on the ground as we arrived at 9.30 for our usual 10 start, the fact that they had been informed we started at 9 by the local sports officer is a fact we chose to ignore...

Day 12 – Gulu – Arua
Today was moving day as we travelled to Arua our third and final stop on this trip to Northern Uganda, we are now in the very North west of the country just 10km from the Congo border and close to South Sudan. After the previous journeys on this trip it would be safe to say...

Day 11 – Gulu
Our final morning working with the teachers in Gulu started with several pretty dynamic warm-ups led by the teachers themselves we then looked at little games that can be used to reinforce skills such as the Lords Game which proved popular. We also ran a session on the Pull Shot which was especially enjoyed by...

Day 10 – Gulu
With time running short today to write up a full report I think this clip of todays pairs game speaks for itself. The game was run almost entirely by the teachers with Rich scoring and me wandering around with the camera. If you look closely you will see some great skills including umpiring (and the...

Day 9 – Gulu
With today being Sunday Phillip our driver was on time and immaculatley turned out after already attending church, 90% of the people here are catholic and as is often the way the impressive church building dominates the centre of town. Phillip is a remarkable man who seems to have undertaken many roles in the short-time...

Day 8 – Gulu
Our second full day of working with the teachers in Gulu didn’t get off to the best of starts as we met in the lobby of the hotel at the usual time of 9.30 to be picked up and taken to the stadium, however a medical emergency meant that Phillip our driver only arrived at...

Day 7 – Gulu
Our first day in Gulu started with an African personal best for both me and Rich as 22 of 29 teachers were waiting for us in the stands of the Pece Stadium when we arrived at 9.45. This allowed us to get started almost on schedule with what was to be a shortened day as...

Day 6 Lira to Gulu
Today was travelling day as me (Lee) and Rich left Lira to move further North to Gulu and Ed returned home to London via a meeting with Justine from the UCA in Kampala. In typically British fashion we arrived at the bus terminal at 9.45 ready for the 10am Gaaga bus, plans had to be...