A rather cramped and hot two and a quarter hour journey was then endured without much to pass the time, the only highlight being the brief stop by the traffic police to ensure that we didn’t have too many passengers on board, the officers exaggerated show of counting three people per row when there was in fact four was a joy to behold.
The good news on arrival is that all of the new cricket kit is here to be used throughout the course and then delivered to the 9 schools that are participating. The hotel is clean and friendly and it is a treat to see a more extended menu than we have been used to in Lira. Whether all of these mouth watering possibilities will be available is yet to be discovered but a Beefburger and fries is on it’s way so all is good.
After the exertions of the past 5 days and last nights leaving bash for Ed I think it is unlikely that we will be venturing too far from the hotel today so I will report back tomorrow with news from downtown Gulu. 32 teachers await in the morning and if they are as enthusiastic and willing to learn as their Lira counterparts it should be another successful few days.
Ed says:
Jul 6, 2012
Loving the hotel, looks like you could run a govt department out of it
. It’s been a pleasure working with you both and you make the charity very proud for your hard work and your positive attitude. Hope the burger was an improvement on our last meal together
CWB says:
Jul 6, 2012
Burger was a vast improvement over the delights of the Margherita Hotel both in terms of flavour and definitely in terms of service, the wine list however has not yet been explored.
We are now about to sample the culinary delights of Gulu, I will keep you posted. You would have loved today 22 teachers on time an African PB and qnother great group to work with.