Day 10 was our last in Lahan and again we split into smaller groups to provide as much coaching as possible. The A team (controversial??) arrived at Bhediya School in time for an emotional national anthem. Strengthened by the arrival of local coaches Dharmendra and Bidiya and game changers Anju and Ganga bowling, batting and fielding sessions were delivered before extra students arrived and we were treated to a Sara Begg fielding/bowling special event.

On arriving at the second school we realised a further split was required to fit everything in so Mo, Alison, Dharmendra Anju and Gauri stayed at Sunula. Games were played but the highlight for me was setting up a bowling drill up and down the cabbage patch. Mr McGregor would not have been happy but it certainly helped with turn and bounce! Especially pleasing at this school was that none of the 43 girls we coached had played cricket before but enjoyed their introduction. A special shout out to the young coaches and changemakers who added vibrancy and enthusiasm to the day. The future is bright.

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