Day 3 and we use the hour drive to Danpalthan and Rangeli to bond with our change makers sharing local knowledge preparing us for the day ahead, also talent sharing with an amazing ability to name ‘Bollywood tunes in one’.
The majority experiencing cricket for the first time and even getting teachers to join in.
Some subtle hints in demonstrating equity through the CWB volunteers especially making sure that one gender was not always at the back .

The experience brings some nostalgia for a couple of us, remembering the journeys of our south Asian parents, an opportunity to perfect the squat position, breath holding as we embrace the absolute basic hygiene provision.
With the midday sun hitting the team hard, great to see the energy and infectious enthusiasm taking us through the final hurdles of the day and having such a positive impact on the children .
Today’s local cuisine ( for those that braved it) was Samosa chaat and local fruit.
Four schools today with 431 kids from age 5 to 16 enjoying a great day.

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