Chaos, Competition, and Cricket

A Fun-Filled Day in Biratnagar with 550 Students

Perhaps one of our busiest days to date with 4 schools across Biratnagar! This time, we decided to switch things up a bit in terms of plans. Usually for a one hour session we set up a station with a single activity and would have groups of students visit one for about 15-20 mins and then head off to the next station. However today, we decided that instead of each of us leading on a single activity, we would stick with our sets of students and do 2-3 activities each over the hour. What followed was chaos (obviously), strong competitive spirit, and just a whole lot of fun.

After multiple games of rapid fire (batting and fielding game), cross fire (hitting the stumps game), and catching practice we ended the day with massive smiles – a day where we all took autonomy of our sessions and managed to pull off some good cricket practice with the 550 odd students we coached.


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