Team Kenya 23 signing off for now

Team Kenya23 this is for you…
Jade our salsa queen, with beautiful curly locks that had all the kids mesmerised. Lauren strong as a lioness and lordy she can hit a six!! always smiling, but she needed more spice.!.
Emma the heart breaker (expensive) and everyone’s favourite, little Miss Positive every day,.
Abid our joker in the pack, full of generosity, and keeping the energy levels high,
Big D aka Dean reliable, dedicated, and a soft centre.
Zak came out as a boy will go home as a man and having acquired some new skills Inc buttering toast!
Shaf wise owl and observer, dug deep and became the jack of all trades, and finally

Alex our England rep, who has overcome so much and continues to inspire children every day.
Team Kenya23 it’s been an absolute pleasure and delight to spend the week with you, 3,147 children’s lives touched by the power of cricket, working alongside our Kenyan CWB Ambassadors and coaches Nico, Mathius, George, and The Pirates CC… We shared so much, we learnt so much, Another successful CWB trip quite literally smashed out the park (Lauren) … We are looking forward to the Pirates re-match!
What a truly amazing experience, and a great team, who just were exceptional every single day with a smile, dance, and a song, to give the last child the same experience as the first child…through the power of cricket, leaving a memory to last a lifetime and a lifelong love of our great sport.

Thank you CWB for the opportunity to put this dream team together… They may be home, and getting red dirt out of their hair for the next 3 weeks… but I would suspect we will see team kenya23 pop up again very soon…

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