Ryan is another of our M C C F funded coaches, back at his primary… Read the postRyan has made a career from cricket coaching
John was one of our CWB coaches funded through the Mccf programme. What’s remarkable is… Read the postJohn’s story
Team Kenya23 this is for you… Jade our salsa queen, with beautiful curly locks that… Read the postTeam Kenya 23 signing off for now
Our final day of coaching with a grand total of 3,147 children coached in 6… Read the postAll the love
After a tiring 6 hour drive from Muranga to Nakuru Wednesday afternoon, the crew were… Read the postThe answer is John and ryan
Today was our last day in Muranga we spent it helping run the annual Muranga… Read the postFestival day…back to where we started
A Love surrounded morning started with the group going down by two, the stomach bug… Read the postOne Love, one heart, let’s all play cricket and it will feel alright
Fresh off the excitement from day 1, team Kenya23 began their day visiting the Mihanga… Read the post1-2-1 let’s go!
A trunk full of fun team kenya23 spent their first morning experiencing the work of… Read the postA trunk full of fun!
Over the 10kg hand luggage allowance? Alex jervis on his way to Kenya… Cwb doing what it does best educating through cricket, and providing much needed equipment to our projects in Nairobi, muranga, and nakuru Read the postLong journey… To get here!