Level 1 – Complete

Our final day in Nairobi began at Umoja Primary School, where the older children were taught some cricket skills as Sian and I introduced the youngest ones to the game with some fun relays.

We had a guest appearance by Sacha, and her awesome selection of games, which were so popular that the kids demanded an encore! The learning was not just one way – a 7 year old pulled me up on my attempt at Swahili and patiently explained the correct way to say the phrase “Form a line”! I’m still not too sure?

Before we left we met Ann, who is Kenya’s HIV Champion in schools, and travels the country supporting teachers and educating youngsters. She gave us a disturbing insight into the current situation – 89 new diagnoses in the 10 – 24 age group every DAY. A sobering thought, but a reinforcement of just how important our sessions could be, helping to educate youngsters on how to prevent infection.

On to Martin Luther Primary for a quickfire session including a session with around 20 hard of hearing and special needs students before a very decent supermarket lunch, eaten on the hoof.

Our final school of the day was Dr Krapf Primary, on a wide expanse of a playing field under the relentless Kenyan sunshine it was obvious that pupils here are benefitting from CWB Ambassador Nico’s regular visits, and are well on the way to becoming good cricketers.

So another successful day for us, with 602 children coached, and we headed off to Thika in Muranga, our base for the next four days. Nine tired bodies stopped for supplies before we left the city behind us, after another day running round in the heat. Minds were in need of refreshment as well as bodies – clearly apparent outside the entrance to the giant supermarket when one of my team mates stopped and asked me “Is there a supermarket here?”…………….


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